On Valentine's Day, Noah hit 8 weeks old. We go to the doctor this week for his 2 month appointment, and I am eager to see how much he has grown over the past month. He is definitely getting too long for most of his newborn clothes, so he has started to wear almost all 0-3 month clothing. He is pumped about a new wardrobe and his mommy has been steadily adding to it (he now definitely has more clothes than his daddy).
In addition to spending time growing, Noah continues to become more interactive. He still doesn't know his hands are part of his body, but when he is under his play mat he constantly hits things and then babbles and smiles about it. He isn't really into his other toys yet with the exception of a monkey rattle and a homemade toy. Yes, that's right, homemade (!). I tied some ivory and black fabric to a wooden spoon and he loves watching and batting at it when he is on his boppy lounger. Ben made fun of the toy for a few weeks but has finally accepted that Noah loves it. Noah is also really into Zebras (Zeebees as they are know in this house). We have an enormous Noah's Ark print above his changing table, and he gets really happy when he is laying there looking at the Zeebees. He also likes looking at a Zebra print he got as a gift from our friends Thad and Elisa that is hanging above his dresser.
I must admit that Noah's fussiness peaked around 7.5 weeks and not 6. It wasn't too bad, but he definitely had a few days where he fussed more than normal, wouldn't sleep and wanted to be held. We even canceled all our outings last week except a lunch with his pal Henry. The fussiness may have been partly due to changing schedules and gassiness and seems to have ended (fingers crossed). As of last Monday, he successfully moved up to the 8 week Mom's on Call schedule, which means he eats only 6 times a day and takes 4 naps. He is gradually progressing towards sleeping through the night, so we'll drop to 5 feedings when that happens.
Other highlights of the past week and a half were a trip to our favorite Thai place, Little Bangkok, and a weekend with lots of daddy and Noah time. Noah also got invited to dinner at Heather and Garrett's this past Friday and did his bedtime routine outside his bedroom for the first time. I'm happy to say he handled it well, which makes me less nervous for our trip to Wilmington next weekend where he'll be out of his crib for 2 nights.
Highlights of the past week:
- dropping a nap and feeding
- lunch and dinner dates
- more smiling
- lots of growing
One realization I had this past week is how similar Nibby and Noah are. They both sleep 16+ hours a day, poop and pee inside the house, have a diaper/litter genie for their goods, are food aggressive, like mommy best, are easily amused by fabric and string on a stick, are dominant over George, love sleeping in a bassinette, love the boppy lounger and are constantly congested/sneezing. I am hoping that once the Nibby recognizes that Noah is his long lost brother he will warm up to him even more. Also since I feel like Nibby and George have been neglected since Noah was born I've made sure to post a few pictures of them.
Jealousy is a new emotion for George |
Nibby wants his own boppy lounger |
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