Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's a....

Sorry about being so delinquent with the blog, I have been out of town a lot and can't post on my iPad.  Anyway, we finally had our anatomy ultrasound last this week, and they confirmed baby t is a little BOY!  They actually guessed he was a boy at our 12 week appointment, but we wanted to make sure before officially annoucing it.  We know about 12 people having little girls this year, so Ben and I were convinced he would be a little girl.  We are so excited about having a boy though, and the best part is he will have a million girl friends to choose from. 

Now that we are certain he is still a boy, we have started to brainstorm decorating ideas for the nursery.  Apparently the crib and glider we want take 8-10 weeks to come in, so we went ahead and ordered those last week.  As you all know, I am not one to procrastinate, so I fully expect us to have the nursery completed waaay ahead of time.  Another fun thing is that during the ultrasound, they turned on the 3D camera for a minute so we could see baby t, but he apparently hates pictures as wittnessed by his adorable hands being in front of his face.  Maybe next time he will actually show us what he looks like...

Baby t's future nursery previously contained a twin bed and our treadmill, so to get it ready for him, we moved the treadmill to my office.  Since the move, George and Nibby have taken up exercising, but as you'll see they haven't quite gotten the hang of it.

In addition to planning for baby boy t over the past few weeks, I did get the chance to go to Charlotte for the weekend to see Leni and Leslie, and Leni's little girl (aka No Name since they cannot decide on a name despite gracious input from me and Leslie) will be one of baby t's many potential girlfriends.  She is due about 10 weeks before him, so we think they will get along perfectly. 

We also celebrated Michelle's 30th birthday the last weekend in July.  Her adorable 9 month old, Madison, is going to teach baby t everything he needs to know.  She has already given him some amazing clothes, and I have a feeling he will be in love as soon as he meets her.

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