Noah is loving his 9th month. He just had his 9 month appointment and weighed in at 19lbs 10oz (13lbs in 9 months!) and measured 29 inches tall (dad is proud of the 75 percentile in height). He's especially enjoying moving around and eating big kid food. He completely gave up purees about 3 weeks ago in favor of feeding himself whatever he can grab - bananas, peaches, chicken sausage, cheese, pasta, peas, broccoli, waffles, eggs and cheerios are staples . He also has mastered the art of holding his own bottle, so really he is now a big boy (or so he thinks). He isn't quite crawling yet but he is pushing himself backwards, rolling all over the place and starting to pull up.
A personal favorite note from school |

Noah's continued to be a very frequent flier. We made a trip to to Wilmington to see his grandparents, great grandparents and great aunts, uncles and cousins as well as my girlfriends and little Annabelle. It was a very relaxing weekend with a lot of good food and pool time. Noah also visited Philadelphia for Morgan and Doug's wedding and went up to Chapel Hill to see his other grandparents while I was on a work trip in RTP and Ben was in Seattle.
Great Grandpa and Grandma Godwin |
Annabelle (Yes that's a razor in the background. Another winning mom moment) |
Great Grandma Thompson |
Grandma Werner |
Grandma and Ann (my godmother) |
He unfortunately did have a little stomach bug on the Philly trip and we learned some very valuable lessons: always pack several changes of clothes in your carry on, power packets of pedialyte are necessary in your diaper bag, stay somewhere that has laundry and don't let anyone hold your baby when wearing nice clothes. To start the trip off, he went through all the outfits I brought before even boarding the plane. Thankfully we found a lovely Braves onesie that he could wear on the flight. By the time we landed he was in a diaper (mom of the year?!). We were fortunate enough to stay with Drew and Sayeh one night (and hence do laundry) and have a pediatric nurse babysitting the second night, so we survived (and had fun at a beautiful wedding!) despite also having a hotel room without A/C (you all know this is Ben's worst nightmare). We did end on a very positive note since Noah got to ride in first class. He was pretty disappointed that he wasn't offered mum mums or milk before takeoff (and yes I did refrain from an adult beverage since it was 10am) . I was thankful that no one seemed to hate us that much, or maybe I am just immune to those stares now.
Pretty excited about the new outfit |
Early morning walk through the streets of Philly because the middle of the night bath and change of clothes meant mommy needed Starbucks |
For the few days a week/occasional weekend we are in town, Noah has still been enjoying school, Play 2 Grow, music class and a few play dates. We've been spending a lot of time outside too as the weather has cooled down and got to have a lunch date with daddy (first time eating pizza!). He has also developed a real love of music and the guitar and is quite the dancer.
BFFs |
Always an angel |
His favorite instrument |
Play date/dinner date with Carson |
Noah's been really working on his vocab and can definitely say "mama" and will copy a lot of sounds I make. Unfortunately "mama" is now what he says when he is really upset (it used to be "ba"), so I am trying to teach him it is a good thing...we'll get there, right?
Highlights of the last month:
- Visiting all my relatives
- 6 plane flights (include a first class trip!)
- Eating big kid food
- Seeing Philadelphia and riding in my first cab (did you know you don't need a car seat in a cab?!)
- Turning 9 months old
Now the rest of the pictures:
Yep, they're holding hands |
Great Aunt Nancy and Cousin Lauren |
Great Uncle David |
Cousin Evan |
Grandma Thompson |
Aunt Leni |
Great Aunt Debbie |
Still befriending the Nibby |
Really excited about takeoff and seatbelts |
Pizza lunch with daddy |